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  • dianeneilson

Who are you? - a poem

Who are you? Have you ever thought?

And does it matter, your type, your sort?

How tiresome, demands that are placed on our race,

and constantly changing, young or old, place to place

Are you pleased or unhappy with what you are and have got

Have you made some mistakes? Show me someone who's not!

Do you wish things were different, better somehow

Or does the constant change feel like a merry-go-round

Are you too fat, too thin or are you just right

Too tall or too short, or just the right height

Straight hair or curly, blue eyes or brown

Fair skin or olive, face angled or round

Too quiet, too loud, too humble, too proud

Are you busy or lazy, too quiet, too crazy

Prefer animals to people or the other way round

Are your cogs always turning or is your head in the clouds

A born fashionista or prefer comfy trainers

Heels and a dress or are jeans a no brainer

Would you walk in the fields or stroll on a beach

Climb mountains, sail rivers, search things out of reach,

Would you shop in big cities, relax on a yacht

Search out trinkets and treasures, put money in slots

Enjoy meeting people or prefer your close friends

Or enjoy your own company every weekend

The life that you weave is the one you should love

It should shroud you in comfort and fit like a glove

It isn't, and shouldn't. be like anyone else's,

should seek no apology nor invite inquisition

For you are just you, if you've ever thought

Ordinary yet special, a unique type or sort.

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