Bom dia Oporto!

Distance travelled today:
60 mile drive to Liverpool Airport
1,491 mile flight to Porto
10mile train ride into the centre of Porto.
6 miles on foot
It's day 0 - travelling day - and we have travelled 1567 miles: starting out in glorious spring sunshine in Lancashire, flying from a surprisingly foggy Merseyside, and eventually arriving to warm, midday sunshine in Porto.
Porto is 'chocka'. I don't think I have ever seen it this busy before and there is a very lively ( almost carnival-like) atmosphere; musicians on every corner, markets and bars bustling with tourists and more than a few muttering locals, notable by their warm trousers, winter coats and even hats and gloves in some cases. They are obviously thinking, 'Turistas malucos' as the crowds swarm the riverside area in shorts and t-shirts, drinking cocktails and enjoying the balmy 16° sunshine - they have obviously never experienced a Lancashire springtime or they would understand the dizzy excitement.
I do love Porto. I never tire of its small-city charisma; its dramatic iron bridge connecting the north and south shores, and the charm of its steep, terraced streets, rising from the Douro, which winds through the city, like a navy satin ribbon, towards the Atlantic.

After a lazy lunch, sunbathing and people-watching, we checked in to our overnight accommodation.
For our first night, we have opted to stay in a 14 bed mixed dorm at the very reputable Sandemans Hostel and it isn't quite what I expected... are you getting Squid Game vibes?

I'm sure it will be fine. We have stayed in many great hostels, including Sandemans, before (although last time we had a private room); and if we are to live the pilgrim life for the next couple of weeks, we will be staying in many more, so we will just have to embrace it. Optimism is winning out for now.
Thank goodness I have brought my new super-duper ear plugs with me.