Dedicated to Tilly who shows me a childs-eye-view every time we go for a walk x

At the pace of a child the world slows down
There's no place for worries or even a frown
Just the joy of discovery, wonder and awe
That are lost as we grow to accept the world's flaws
Flaws brought about by our cold human touch
As we side with the monsters and the power they clutch
In the eyes of a child every day is a picture
Every animal, flower and tree makes them richer
A bumble bee searching, a heron in flight
Wild flowers that dance in the morning sunlight
They walk slowly to make sure they don't miss a thing
And absorb all the beauty our great planet brings
With the ears of a child there is no time for thought
Or for chatter or music; just the sounds they have caught
The babble of water that winds through the moss
The low of the cow and the neigh of the horse
The cry of a seagull, the chirp of the cricket
Raindrops on sycamore and a rustle in the thicket
If we all could hold on to the wonder of children
Accepting and loving this world we've been given
We'd walk a bit slower, and look a bit harder
To see, hear and treasure it's art, song and larder
And maybe those monsters could learn from the children
If they did some 'slow-walking' in our garden of Eden