For how many years has this view been admired?
How many words and ideas inspired?
Which generation first noticed its splendour, and how many since have observed its agenda?
Spring comes in secret as nature awakes, and miniscule changes observe each daybreak
Then slowly but surely the blossom unfolds, encouraging each flower to stand and be bold
As summer approaches, one senses a shift
The pace of life quickens as the temperature lifts
'Til before our own eyes is a riot of colour and we bask in the joy of the long days of summer
A new autumn palette helps soften the blow, turning forests ablaze in its own special show
No urgency now, just a hunkering down, as the colours of summer turn first red, then brown
With a chill in the air we feel winter's embrace, and time seems to slow as the year ends its race
With the land and the sky bleached of colour and warmth, a new world appears in its skeletal form
The earth sleeps and recovers through the ice and the snow, conserving its energy, its bounty run low
Hiding its secret and patient in slumber, until the right time to reveal next year's wonder
Generations have passed but the cycle remains, and with cameras we strive to record every change
But a picture can never portray what we see, the magnificence of nature, abundant and free