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  • dianeneilson

January Rains: a poem

January, wet and windy

Gone the December indecisiveness

Replaced by the certainty of a daily squall

Long rambles replaced by short hurried walks

Shoehorned in between the showers

Rivulets of rain coat the window

Drops converging to run their course

Gutters overflowing, storm drains lifted,

As water seeks lower ground flooding all in its path

The garden lies untended, wild

But becomes an oasis for birds, singing and calling as they search for food

Unperturbed by the weather's rage

Joyful in their reborn freedom

The moorland is unpassable

A boggy wasteland seeping and oozing

Ravines have become rivers and the reservoir is at last, full

As water courses down the hillside

Rain, the saviour of our planet

Watertable raised, lakes filled to the brim

The sheep continue to graze and the birds will always sing

To celebrate the January rain

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