I think it's going to rain today.
Should I pull on my boots or put them away?
I could put on my slippers, sit by the grate,
warming my fingers and toes 'til it's late.
I think it's going to rain today,
Shall I discard my raincoat? Stay out of the grey?
I could finish my book, enjoy biscuits and tea,
make a hotpot for dinner - apple crumble maybe.
I could catch up on chores, give my mum a quick call,
bake cookies, write a haiku, knit a scarf, paint the hall.
I could have a long bath, watch a film, yes I may,
I can do all these things if I stay in today.
But if I go out, if I pull on my boots,
I may see a Woodpecker, Kestrel or Coot.
The Robins and Finches would brighten my day,
so maybe I won't put my fell boots away.
Because when I get out there'll be no-one around,
no footsteps to hear just that rain-dropping sound.
The trees will be silent, the water so still,
just me and my thoughts and the cows on Calf Hill.
And when I return I can still do those things,
The chores and the calls and the hobbies, food and drinks.
And after a shower, and soup in a mug,
with my boots and coat drying I'll be feeling quite smug.
I think it's going to rain today,
I'll pull on my boots and walk anyway.