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  • dianeneilson

Breathe - a poem

I awake. I'm warm, comfortable, snug, the cat nestled in the crook of my left leg.

Dreams, already memories, are drifting in and out of my consciousness - hazy and incomplete.

But then the real memories return: the words, the shame, the guilt. Frustration most of all - I'm her mum! I should be able to fix this. Why can't I fix this?


I breakfast, not really tasting.

The murmers inside my brain continue - won't be shaken - no logic can shift them. I need a walk.

I step out into the morning mist.

A sharp intake of breath cold on my lungs, a welcome release from thought.

The path up is hard, exactly what I need.

Breathe - in two, hold for two, out two.

At the top, a pause for breath.

It's going to rain. For a moment I am hypnotised by the sheet of rain moving along the valley, distant yet, but on its way.

I turn to follow the now familiar path.

Breath steadier, mind already calmer, I focus my mind on nature, on birdsong and the gurgle of water.

Breathe - in three, hold for three, out three.

A flock approaching, wary.

I stop, the sheep pass holding their nerve. I look back and their heads are held high - mine too.

Further on a calf nuzzles. The cow sleeps and the bull snorts his disapproval. Family dynamics for all to see. No shame, no guilt.

I pause at the bench and sit, looking out over the lake. A comorant swoops and dives. The heron, like a statue at the edge - on guard.

The mist lifts revealing a fox on the edge of the woods, frozen in time. I close my eyes and count to ten. He's gone - was he ever there?

Breathe - in four, hold for four, out four.

Downhill now, dodging mud and puddles.

The last of the summer's blackberries sweet on my tongue.

The birdwatcher rounds the corner and we chat - a pipit and a skylark so far this morning; I tell him about the comorant.

The rain arrives - I knew it would - washing away the words, the shame, the guilt.

We are just people. I am doing my best. She is doing her best.


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