We all exist on borrowed time
No length determined - yours or mine
The heavy cost of a sentient mind
Is to know that death, our souls will find
As children we are free from thoughts
Of ticking clocks and knowledge taught
Protected by youth's chrysalis
We thrive oblivious, in ignorant bliss
But sooner or later life's intervention
Reveals unwanted fear and tension
Our friend and family group gets thinner
We're all at risk. There are no winners
We all exist on borrowed time
All plod along the same old line
From birth to death - we have no choice
But to live our life, and in life, rejoice
For this transient life can bring much joy
A life-long love, two girls, a boy
A journey we can share together
A hand to hold through stormy weather
Two pairs of feet to walk new paths
Two brains to figure out the maths
Two pairs of eyes devour new sights
A pair of hands to hold on tight
We don't know what our paths will hold
What pain or treasures we'll behold
But oh, the joy to plot and plan
Adventures, dreams, a lot to cram
And cram we must for life is short
The end unknown, time can't be bought
So toast each day with vintage wine
For we all exist on borrowed time