I have lain for hours.
Not asleep;
a knotted ball of misery
sits heavy in my heart.
I wish I could dream,
light and free.
Released from malignant thoughts
of this cruel helplessness.
I would change places
in a heartbeat,
to know what you are feeling.
A chance at least to help.
Just to bring you peace;
release you
from the war that rages on,
tormenting your soul!
I yearn for days gone.
Simple days
where pleasure was just being;
did not need to be sought.
I 'am' grateful for what we have had
but it's not enough!
I want more, of you, of us,
our easy companionship.
I pray for a future -
not too distant.
When we will rise again together:
Joined in our love, at peace, strong.