I didn't have much time today, so I took my feet a different way.
A local park I don't usually frequent, with new things to see, it was time well spent.
The rainclouds of earlier spent or moved on, a breeze in the air and a hint of the sun.
A swan with her cygnet, all white fluff and down.
And three ducks, one mallard, one white and one brown.
The weather was breezy and really quite cool, the park full of children on half term from school.
Grannies and grandads, sisters and brothers, dog-walkers a plenty all greeting each other.
Despite the cool morning the ice cream van was busy,
Serving cornets and sprinkles and sherbert all fizzy.
With blackbirds and robins competing in song, I just didn't want to be hurried along.
So I dillied and dallied enjoying the scene, a pleasant encounter I hadn't foreseen.
And my day carried on with jobs still to do, but refreshed by a simple walk somewhere quite new.
So next time you're busy or time's a bit short, go for a walk of a different sort.
You never know what you'll see the day that you let your feet take you a different way.
