What sort of a year was 2023?
And, with all the ups and downs in a year, how do you begin to categorise it as a good or bad year? Is there even such a thing?
These thoughts crossed my mind whilst walking up on Fairsnape Fell yesterday.
Health, Wealth, Adventures and People; this was how I decided to measure my year, although I immediately began to consider how restrictive these categories could be. Anyway, here goes...
The year started with a sore throat, a throat that had been sore for six weeks, so I did the sensible thing and made an appointment to see my GP.
Her first question was "What do 'you' think is wrong? Have you googled it?"
Now, forgive me for being naive, but isn't that her job? Of course I had googled it: an irritant, a throat infection, laryngitis, stage 4 throat cancer! I had kind of hoped that she would narrow it down for me.
She didn't. She told me to come back in a month if it was no better. It was better in a few more weeks and I didn't know whether to feel annoyed or embarrassed, but ultimately, my conclusion was that I would avoid that particular doctor in future, rather than take any risks to my health by ignoring ongoing symptoms
Later in the year, I was invited for a general health check up, preceded by a blood test. At the follow up appointment I was informed that all was well, apart from my cholesterol being high - but not high enough to medicate. After googling the results later at home (see, I've learned my lesson), I decided that I needed medication, particularly considering my family history. The doctor seemed puzzled, even when I explained the above, and that I would prefer to avoid a heart attack before 60 if at all possible. After quite a discussion, and after me requesting it directly, medication was prescribed.
On a more positive note, when my husband had a health query, he was immediately referred for a scan and seen within a week. All was well and he is fine.
A couple of friends have not been so lucky, and despite medical intervention are struggling, which saddens me and I wish them well.
Thankfully, no further medical intervention was needed, for me or mine. Fingers crossed for 2024, and let's hope that the NHS gets back on track this year.
Wealth is an interesting concept; what makes a person wealthy?
In its most obvious form, wealth is income: money, a rising bank account, cash in your wallet.
We have worked a little. I have done some supply work at the local school, Tony has done a couple of stints with local businesses, and we have also completed a couple of projects at home, renovating the bathroom, building a decking area in the garden, building planters and growing our own veg (although these project cost us money rather than earning it).
All in all we have been busy and have enjoyed our successes.
We are not, and will never be, wealthy in terms of money, but I consider our cup to be overflowing in terms of our wellbeing. We have been able to work when we have needed to. We have a beautiful home and live in a gorgeous place, and have been able to share it with lots of friends and family. We have spent quality time with all of our children and our granddaughter, including a wonderful couple of weeks in Bermuda, and we have been able to travel and enjoy the world. Most importantly, we have each other and remain well.
In terms of money, we have found that you need less than you think you do, and can work if you need more. I feel as rich as anyone, and can only hope for a 2024 where I am as wealthy again.
Adventures are important to us, we have itchy feet, gypsy blood, wanderlust, call it what you will, and boy have we enjoyed our adventures in 2023.
In February we travelled to our beloved Madeira, spending just over a week there, four days of which were with my brother and sister-in-law. The sun shone and we were able to share some of our favourite places with them, as well as making precious memories together. We then moved on to spend a couple of weeks in the Azores, a magical place which we plan to explore further this year. Again, we were blessed with sunshine which allowed us to explore the island of São Miguel, discovering its coastline, green interior, waterfalls and hot springs.
An overnight stop in Porto, at The Sandemans Hostel, completed a wonderful trip and a great start to the year.
In March, we spent four days in Iceland - a real bucket list trip - exploring the wonders of the Golden Circle. The list of wonders was endless, only to be made complete by a spectacular display by the Northern Lights on our final evening.
April and May were spent working and walking in the Ribble Valley, with a weekend in Whitby, at Mr Malcolm's Marvellous Camping Field, to road test our camping gear.
After a meeting new people around the campfire, exploring Whitby and a very chilly night, we returned home to order better sleeping bags.
With our kit upgraded, we loaded the car, and in June we set off for France with a very sketchy plan.
This is the best kind of adventure; four weeks stretching in front of us with a loaded car, an outbound ferry crossing booked and just one night's accommodation planned.
There is a joy in planning as you go along: following the weather, chatting to people and following recommendations, staying as long, or as short, as you choose, and enjoying the food, wine, people and places as you travel. It is a true gift to be able to travel this way.
After exploring Burgundy and Alsace, and also dipping our toes into Germany, we drove north, back through France, and home.
We planned to stay at home to enjoy the summer in the UK.
It was not a great summer, very cool and wet, but we did manage lots of local walks and another camping trip, this time staying at Jean's Field in the Yorkshire Dales, as well as having our daughter and granddaughter to stay for a couple of weeks.
In September we splashed out and went to stay with our daughter in Bermuda for two weeks, two weeks of play time with our beautiful granddaughter, and time exploring this beautiful island with family.
To finish off the year we spent two weeks in Madeira at our Perfect Cottage. The sun shone almost every day, an ideal tonic for a very wet end to the year in the UK, and we enjoyed lazy days, good food, time with friends and some amazing walks, before returning home in time for Christmas.
In addition to all of these amazing adventures, we have been visited and have visited lots of our friends and family this year. We have enjoyed theatre trips, cinema trips, discovered new pubs and restaurants on our drives and walks, and have spent lots of time sat in front of the log burner with the curtains closed and a glass of wine, on cosy evenings in our beautiful cottage.
All in all it has been a great year, and I can only hope for a 2024 that is as healthy, wealthy and adventurous, and once again spent with the amazing people I love.