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PR8 - The Lizard's Tail: 31/10/21

The Sao Lourenco peninsula is at the easternmost tip of Madeira, and the PR8, which runs the length of it, begins at the Baia d'Abra and...

Levada dos Cardais: 30/10/21

When staying here we usually walk down into Sao Vicente at least once a week, and over time have explored new routes down into the...

Escape to the south: 22/10/21

What can you do on a wet day in Madeira? Well there are quite a few things you can do that are indoors, such as visiting the lava caves...

A Royal Levada : 17/10/21

Levada do Rei, or King’s Levada, is called so because it was built by order of King D. Manuel II, the last king of Portugal. It begins at...

Flora and Fauna - Autumn on Madeira

The return walk from the cottage to Sao Vicente has become one of our regular walks over the last few weeks providing a gentle stroll...

Middle Fell - tougher than you imagine

Setting of from the campsite at Wasdale Head, we parked the car at Greendale and set off along the path towards the south ridge of...

Carr Mill Dam - clears the mind

This is a regular walk of mine and one that I always enjoy immensely, usually as part of a longer loop starting and ending at home. One...

1066 steps: 11/10/21

What comes into your mind if somebody says the number 1066? Me too. Until today that is. Keep that number in mind for later. Monday...

Ghostly Beladonnas: 06/10/21

Today is Wednesday and, after a very lazy day yesterday, we have decided to complete the Lavada do Norte, starting where we finished last...

The Zig-Zag Path: 04/10/21

On Monday, after our busy weekend in Funchal, we spend a lazy few hours just enjoying the sunshine at the house. Restless feet get the...

Summer on Madeira

Summer 2020, post lockdown and five glorious weeks on Madeira! We were so lucky that the lockdown was eased and travelling permitted....

March - June 2020 - Lockdown!

Well, this is one section I couldn’t have predicted having to write about! What strange times we are living in. A deadly virus, national...

Blog: Blog2
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