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January Rains: a poem

January, wet and windy Gone the December indecisiveness Replaced by the certainty of a daily squall Long rambles replaced by short...

Elemental on Pendle: Christmas 2022

It's not unusual to experience four seasons in one day in Pendle, indeed I am learning that discord between the elements is the norm, and...

Hamstrung in December: a poem

It started in September, this niggly leg, not hugely surprising, considering our trek. First Prague then Vienna, Bratislava came next,...

Portuguese Road Trip

Have you ever wanted to just leave your front door and walk? Or just get in the car and drive, with no agenda, no plans, no return date?...

Snow Days: a poem

For a child, a snowy winter’s day brings great delight and the promise of play To open the curtains to a blanket of white is always a...

Dusk on Padiham Heights: 14/11/2022

A walk in the late afternoon can bring a whole new perspective to an otherwise familiar stroll, and on the right day, dusk gives an...

Colours of Autumn: a poem

Bright holly berries and maple leaves Squirrels collecting their nuts and seeds Rosy cheeks on a frosty day as children wrap up warm and...

Pendle Hill the hard way: 18/10/2022

Pendle Hill stands in splendid isolation, its highest point, Big End, towering over the small picturesque Lancashire village of Barley,...

Autumn is here: a poem

There is no denying that autumn is here Despite the birdsong gracing my ear Despite the soft touch of the rippling breeze and the warmth...

Gisburn Forest: 29/09/2022

It is lovely to travel and explore pastures new, but it us always lovely to return home, and never was that truer than now, returning as...

Madeira: September 2022

We have only had a few days in our perfect cottage this time, just a few days tagged onto the end of a very busy schedule in Middle...

Budapest: September 2022

Budapest! Like Vienna, Budapest is a sprawling metropolis, a busy city with lots of charm and lots to see. I think that Budapest has a...

Bratislava: September 2022

Bratislava, the capital of Slovakia, is set along the River Danube by the border with Austria and Hungary. It was the place on our...

Vienna: September 2022

Vienna, a place I have wanted to visit for a long time, and once planned, had to postpone twice because of the pandemic. It was worth the...

Prague: September 2022

August 31st and we set off on our latest adventure, this time a trip to some of the places in Europe we have never been to before, some...

I think it's going to rain today: a poem

I think it's going to rain today. Should I pull on my boots or put them away? I could put on my slippers, sit by the grate, warming my...

Three 'out and backs'

We have been blessed with a beautiful summer this year, perfect for exploring our new stomping ground. Each day we seem to wake to blue...

Dawn walk: a poem

A walk alone, a wakeful meditation Unhurried thoughts wander freely A morning yet untarnished, the day to come, full of promise Dawn has...

Life is a Sponge Cake

I know. WEIRD! This came to me this morning as I was walking, and yes it's a weird analogy, but I think it is one that could work for...

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