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September rain: a poem

September rain. A storm; stair-rods hurtling downwards like glass spears. Piercing the canopy at will, all life darting for cover....

The Boggart: a poem

The treacle-eating Boggart is extremely seldom spied He shies away from normal folk - their smell he can't abide. Their lying tongues can...

Slow-walking: a poem

Dedicated to Tilly who shows me a childs-eye-view every time we go for a walk x At the pace of a child the world slows down There's no...

Blue sky hope: a poem

When the lane up the hill is more puddle than path, and you're up to your ankles in mud; when the stream overflows and is running so fast...

Go out to play: a poem

"Put on your coat and go out to play", my mum said to us one February day. "But mam, it's cold, and those clouds look like rain. Can't we...

Snow: a poem

The transformative magic of a snowy day Erasing all signs of yesterday's January A blanket of white reimagines the day As a beautiful...

Hide and Seek: a poem

I thought I saw the sun today A tiny glimpse, a solitary ray. A silvery glimmer upon the pond A twinkle through the bracken fronds A...

A Thin Place by Graeme Cox

Written by Graeme Cox Off to a thin place, to clear my head To feel earth beneath my feet To refill and bolster my starving soul To find...

Winter: a poem

It's dark all day and it's dark all night The sun comes around but the clouds hide the light The world feels small but the sky seems...

November's Nuance: a poem

November's nuance Neither summer nor winter It's weather makes for a fickle friend A glimpse of sun through the rainbow's end A chill in...

A Child's Voice: a poem

"What would you like for Christmas this year?" the gentleman asked the child. He watched as the child's eyes lit up, just for a moment,...

The gift of a breeze: a poem

The summer winds, they bode no ill They bring no cold your bones to chill A gentle breeze, a warm caress The briefest breath, a welcome...

Who are you? - a poem

Who are you? Have you ever thought? And does it matter, your type, your sort? How tiresome, demands that are placed on our race, and...

The Storm Rages: a poem

It starts with a darkening, a lessening of blue as the grey gains the upper hand. The sun retreats as her great rival approaches, not...

Nature's Bounty: a poem

For how many years has this view been admired? How many words and ideas inspired? Which generation first noticed its splendour, and how...

The Song Thief: a poem

Where are the birds on a blustery day? The wind has stolen their voices away The lambs are still bleating The cattle still low But where...

Nature's Prayer: a poem

A peachy sky as the sun is rising Snowdrops thrive and crocus' bloom The promise of a perfect day Emerging from the winter's gloom A hint...

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